Sunday, March 1, 2009

weekend college

Hi Brain
Thanks for all the good info. this weekend. I am more positive about the Hadley book now. I read and read and put post it notes when I came across something hard or difficult to understand. I go back there later and try again. It seems to get better each time I reread. I like reading chp. 3 and 4. Things are falling into place now. I try to be positve in al the areas of reading, and be a good example for the other students too, I know a person can get frustrated, but it pays to read and reread the material for me. I hope that helps some one else in their reading. The class today was really fun. I hope you will send me a recording of the voice assignment, in the techy stuff tht is. I was so thankful for Gabe and Jeff, they helped me figure out the blog hang up. smile. I know the boozhoo speech have done it for some of my other classes. It is fun tht we will learn new things here especially recording ourselves and listening to each other. The main object I teach my classes is to speak to each other or anyone who will listen, do commands, and do some TPR.
Again thank you for the session today that was wonderful. And thanks for the good lunch. Thank you for supporting me on the mix up of some words and phrases. My instructor that day, asked why I was putting my red betooshigan in the oven? He did with a somber face and legitamite question. He didn't criicize me or disrepect me. I was thankful for that. We did have a good laugh about after. Gawaabaamin mina wa. Dedahgwash


  1. Phyliss,
    It was good to see you this weekend even though I didn't get to visit with you. The instructors make our studies so interesting which mad the weekend go by so quickly. I am going to use your ending- gawaabaamin minawaa.

  2. Boozhoo. I so appreciate your good and positive thoughts on this :) Your posts in Moodle were outstanding, I hope you will posts some of those here as well :)

    I will be making an information UM CONNECT on how to use WIMBA and post it for viewing for sure :) I hope to get at least one UM Connect session up tomorrow :)
