Sunday, April 12, 2009


Hey everyone, Boozhoo, Aaniin azhiiayaayag?
Just a brief note to see how everyone else is busying doing. (smile) A wegonen waa izhiitegeyin?
Niin oma nii anokii ii'iow gaagiigidowin, Just practicing my speech, and loving it. I am in control final on this internet techy stuff. I am so proud I can finally post. Ha. Don't work too hard. Noongom nii gii gaadoon waawaanoon, I hid some easter eggs for my granddaughter. Nii gii chi wisinimin gaaye. Ha. We had a wonderful Easter dinner too. Niimiinwendan gaagiidoyaan oma noongom. I am having fun talk to you's today. I am teaching commands to my students, so next post , I will do some for the cohort. Have a fun week. I work tomorrow. Nii wii anokii wabang.
Good talking to everyone. Wings Far Reaching (Dedahgwash)


  1. Miigwech wiindamaageyan ezhichigeyan.

    How kind of you to post this :) Geget gigizhewaadiz. Ingii-mikaanan niibowa waawanoon geniin zhebaa.

    Gii-ondamizi a'aw waabooz!


  2. I look forward to your speech this weekend, you are always such a good inspiration to us in this cohort.

  3. Boozhoo Gabe
    Miigwech Gabe
    I am looking forward to our gathering. It is so good to see everyone and catch up on our news and classes. Jeff and I are looking forward to netting too, I hope it starts soon, but I think the water maybe too cold for the fish for spawning yet. Although the lakes are open. It is suppose to be in the 70's this weekend. Yes, it will be fun doing the speeches. smile, The Creator will smile upon us for speaking Ojibwemowin and give us his blessings. Gii gaawaabimin nagug
