Friday, May 8, 2009

Final assignments and work?

Boozhoo Everyone;
It is so nice out today. It is time to start the garden and flower beds. Akina niwi objitoon i'iow gitigaaning, mina nawaa waabigwan, wendaaminogiizhigad oma noongom, I was telling Jeff that all last week, we netted in Mille Lacs. That was an awesome time. I can't began to tell how much all the times I spend with my sons, fishing, camping, netting and eating out, doing all the fun things, it means so much to me as i love, my grandsons and their sons so much. We try to do alot of family things together whenever we can. That is the time too, when I can listen to my language tapes and prepare my lessons for the next week. I have just more class and then it's finals. Tuesday will be my last class for the quarter. It has been fun and quite the learning time for me too. That is one of the extra inventives for me to teach as I can learn right along withthe students. I am so amazed at the students, as they learn, they pick up quite fast on the sound, the tone, and expression of the words. Words seem to pick up meaning as we communicate. I listen close to hear the true sound from them. They in turn, can ask me to repeat as many times as they need to hear clearly what the word or phrase is. They seem to enjoy the reviews and are not stressed out like I thought they would. They like my class and the calmy atmosphere that it takes on. They are also very helpful, and respectful. We made some copies of materials and tapes last class too, and they really enjoyed that I shared that with them. These were old tapes put on to cds. I had permission to use them from the staff at Lac Du Flambeau. They are so helpful too, so is Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife program staff. I order and purchase different items for class from them. They are a wonderful resource to use. I will be teaching Intro. to Tribal Culture, next Fall, not language. But I hope I can fill in or work with the staff in the Language Nest.
It has been truly a blessing for me to be with the Cohort this session. I love all the members and have had fun times online, (smile) when I could get there. You have been wonderful students to be with and work with. In fact I think of you as my family too. We have all worked hard and it showed when we did our speeches. Everyone did wonderfully well on all of the presentations. I was so happy to be a part of it. I will be happy to see everyone at the Language Seminar as we help Brian and learn some more new information and gain some more resources. Gigaawaabimin miniwa noongoom. Dedahgwash.

1 comment:

  1. Phyllis,

    I think we are all truly blessed to be able to absorb some of your knowledge... if even a tiny piece! I have enjoyed this semester, although it has been trying at times! I really feel as if I have had to push the limits of what I feel I can get done and done well! Enjoy the beautiful weather and Happy Mother's Day!
